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Please join us for a full day GIST Day of Learning event in Calgary, Alberta on Saturday September 28, 2024.

Location:  Hotel Alt East Village – 635 Confluence Way SE, Calgary, Canada
Refreshments and Lunch will be provided along with a post conference networking event!
Patients, caregivers and family are all welcome at this FREE event.

Dr. Xiolan Feng Medical Oncologist, Tom Baker Cancer Centre. Dr. Feng will be speaking about mutational analysis.
Dr. Andrew Blakely will joining us from the NIH National Cancer Institue to talk about his Surgical Trial.
Dr. Herbert Loong will be presenting on current clinical trials including the Cogent Biosciences PEAK Trial.
GIST 101 to be presented by David Josephy.
Living with the emotional impact of GIST group session with Kristin Austman.
Patient Panel led by Hazel McLeod.

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