The Global Advocate Academy Course (GAAC)
The New Horizons GIST Consortium has created a Global Advocate Academy Course (GAAC) targeted towards GIST patients, caretakers, oncologists, researchers, and organization representatives located worldwide.
Importancia del diagnóstico molecular en el GIST
El diagnóstico molecular en GIST impulsa tratamientos personalizados y más eficaces, dando forma al futuro de la precisión en la medicina.
European Patient Cancer Coalition Publishes Patient Guide for Cancer Biomarkers
European Patient Cancer Coalition published Patient Guide for Cancer Biomarkers in January 2023.
Global Advocacy News – SIMPOSIO ONCOLATINO
PIGA FERNÁNDEZ, LRG GLOBAL CONSULTANT, GLOBAL GIST DIR., EXEC. DIRECTOR FUNDACIÓN GIST CHILE I was invited to participate in this symposium organized by the Civil Society of Uruguay, together with almost 30 [...]
GIST Awareness Day 2022 – Chile
Fundación GIST Chile released a special GIST Awareness Day video featuring patients telling stories about their experiences with GIST.
Centro de Oncología de Precisión U. Mayor reunió a pacientes con cánceres gastrointestinales
El encuentro, organizado para conmemorar el Día Internacional de la Concientización del GIST en conjunto con la Fundación GIST Chile, destacó la necesidad y la importancia del diagnóstico precoz y las terapias personalizadas para mejorar la calidad de vida de los pacientes.
Efectos de la Nutrición y la Microbiota Intestinal en pacientes con GIST
TE INVITA A LA REUNIÓN DE PACIENTES PARA CONVERSAR SOBRE:"Efectos de la Nutrición y la Microbiota Intestinal en pacientes con GIST". La Sra. Carbajal-López describió los beneficios de una nutrición adecuada, la relación entre la nutrición y los procedimientos quirúrgicos, el vínculo entre el microbioma y el cáncer, y el ejercicio. 07 junio.
LRG Virtual Tumor Board Benefits Multiple Patients Globally
The first LRG Virtual Tumor Review Board for 2022 was held in April. There were four cases presented from all over the world, emphasizing the importance of virtual reviews.
LRG Staffer Presents at the 99th Virtual Patient Support Group
In March, Director of Data Mgmt and Research, Sahibjeet Kaur joined the GIST experts of AIIMS for the 99th Virtual Patient Support Group addressing patients from India.
What It Means To Be A GIST Mentor
US GIST Mentor Director, Santy DiSabatino, shares what having a Mentor means to the newly diagnosed and what being a GIST Mentor means to him and he makes an appeal for more volunteers to mentor LRG patients and caregivers.
A Thank You from Ukraine
Lidia Kornienko was searching for answers and when she reached out she found generous people willing to help assist her on the path to mutational testing and an effective treatment plan.
Global Patient Involvement in Sarcoma Care
A recent paper published in Cancers by CTOS and SPAEN highlights major findings and proposes potential future steps in global sarcoma care.