Patient of the Month – December 2024: Alex Kozushin
Each member has a unique story, but all reflect the intrinsic courage of one facing the challenge of GIST. Alex Kozushin shares his story.
Each member has a unique story, but all reflect the intrinsic courage of one facing the challenge of GIST. Alex Kozushin shares his story.
El diagnóstico molecular en GIST impulsa tratamientos personalizados y más eficaces, dando forma al futuro de la precisión en la medicina.
Molecular diagnosis in GIST drives personalized, more effective treatments, shaping the future of precision medicine.
The holiday season is a time filled with festive gatherings, family traditions, and social expectations, but it can be challenging for individuals with a rare disease. Read more for some tips to have a joyful, peaceful season.
For rare disease patients, hope becomes more than a feeling; it’s a vital part of the journey. During the holidays, this sense of hope carries a unique importance. Our Hope for the Holidays campaign will bring you stories of hope & resilience.
Roadblocks to a cure - a review of first GISTT Summit 2024 in Essen, Germany by participant LRG Data Analyst Jerry Call.
Each member has a unique story, but all reflect the intrinsic courage of one facing the challenge of GIST. Amber Santiago shares her story.
The Life Raft Group Launches New Liposarcoma Support Network for Patients & Caregivers.
ESMO 2024 Summary
Each member has a unique story, but all reflect the intrinsic courage of one facing the challenge of GIST. Susan Franze shares her story.