Removing Roadblocks to a Cure – GISTT Summit 2024
Roadblocks to a cure - a review of first GISTT Summit 2024 in Essen, Germany by participant LRG Data Analyst Jerry Call.
Roadblocks to a cure - a review of first GISTT Summit 2024 in Essen, Germany by participant LRG Data Analyst Jerry Call.
ESMO 2024 Summary
The Life Raft Group is proud to share our ASCO Educational Book Manuscript - “Leveraging Patient Engagement Through Collaboration for Improved Global Health Outcomes in Sarcoma”
Our Spring to GIST Awareness Day Campaign Continues! Our spring fundraising campaign is all about Fueling GIST Research and we will be sharing examples of all the ways The Life Raft Group is involved [...]
Our Spring to GIST Awareness Day Campaign Continues! Our spring fundraising campaign is all about Fueling GIST Research and we will be sharing examples of all the ways The Life Raft Group is involved [...]
CTOS is an international group comprised of physicians and scientists with a primary interest in the tumors of connective tissues. The goal of the society is to advance the care of patients with connective tissue tumors.
I was fortunate to be able attend the @NationalOrganizationforRareDisorders Rare Diseases + Orphan Products Breakthrough Summit (#NORDSummit) on October 17-18 in-person in Washington, DC via a full scholarship. During this highly anticipated [...]
The Life Raft Group Data Management & Research and Communications Team attended remotely to gain knowledge of current research in GIST and to track breaking news and social media networking. In this post, we present commentary on several presentations and posters.
In this webinar, Dr. Andrew Wagner and Dr. Herbert Loong summarize abstracts and presentations presented during the ASCO22 conference relevant to the GIST patient community.
Join the LRG team, renowned GIST experts, and fellow GISTers & family at Life Fest, July 29th-31st, in New Orleans, LA, and learn more about GIST in either of these two sessions: General or SDH.