
Efectos de la Nutrición y la Microbiota Intestinal en pacientes con GIST

TE INVITA A LA REUNIÓN DE PACIENTES PARA CONVERSAR SOBRE:"Efectos de la Nutrición y la Microbiota Intestinal en pacientes con GIST". La Sra. Carbajal-López describió los beneficios de una nutrición adecuada, la relación entre la nutrición y los procedimientos quirúrgicos, el vínculo entre el microbioma y el cáncer, y el ejercicio. 07 junio.

By |2022-06-01T15:23:42-04:00June 1st, 2022|News, Nutrition, Webcast|

How to Balance Your Diet During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Nutritional status plays a very important role in the prevention and treatment of contagious and non-contagious diseases. In the frame of a health contingency, the use of strategies that strengthen our nutritional status and immune system is essential.

By |2020-04-03T11:49:23-04:00April 1st, 2020|News, Nutrition, Patient Support|

A Lively Liver: Monitoring Liver Health with GIST

The liver, located under the right rib cage, is the body’s largest internal organ and acts as a factory, regulating digestion, blood content, nutrient production and storage. The liver processes all that funnels through [...]

By |2022-01-05T13:26:01-05:00February 13th, 2019|GIST Education, News, Nutrition|

LRG Webcast Series: Nutrition and Healthy Living with GIST

While Dr. Guhagarkar is a GIST patient, this webcast would benefit anyone who struggles with these issues, regardless of the disease they have. We believe that patients and caregivers sharing their experiences plays an important part in helping fellow patients live better with their disease and side effects.

By |2020-07-09T16:18:40-04:00January 8th, 2018|GIST Education, Nutrition, Webcast|

Nutrition – Absorbing Nutrients After Surgery

The digestive system is a group of organs that work together to feed the entire body by converting food into energy and basic nutrients. Food is ingested through the mouth; passed through the esophagus into the stomach; and filtered through the small intestine, pancreas and liver. Based on its particular function, each organ contributes in different ways to turn the food we eat into the nutrients we need.

By |2022-01-05T13:18:01-05:00April 8th, 2016|Coping with GIST, Integrative Medicine, Newsletter, Nutrition|
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