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Life Fest 2024 is July 19th – 21st in San José, CA!

Life Fest is a unique event where patients and caregivers come together for a weekend to interact with each other and the medical and scientific communities that serve them. Faced with a rare form of cancer, GIST patients have a great need for information about this disease, particularly as the science evolves and our understanding reveals a complex set of subtypes of GIST, each responding differently to available treatments. Each year brings a wealth of new information, and patients are eager to learn about the latest treatments. 

Life Fest workshops provide patients with emerging medical information, and they come away with a deeper knowledge of the disease, treatments and side effect management. They find hope in knowing the scientific community is working toward a cure, and hope is such a vital asset as they struggle day by day for survival. 

The Life Raft Group emerged in recognition of the tremendous need for support in the GIST community. Life Fest 2024 will provide patients and caregivers with that support. Coming together with fellow patients from all walks of life from around the world is a meaningful and powerful experience. In addition to our traditional educational workshops, Life Fest 2024 will feature scientific presentations highlighting the newest research and the latest treatments. 

View presentations & photo galleries of previous Life Fest events

Parking, Hotels & Flights

Parking for the conference location (Signia Hilton Hotel San Jose):

Valet parking from Reef Valet at the hotel is available for $47 overnight. Hourly parking rates are $20.00 for the first hour with $2.00 for each additional hour (not to exceed $47.00.

Alternate parking:
50 W San Fernando St Garage, (408) 283-5063

285 S Market St Parking Lot

For additional parking locations nearby and located in downtown: https://www.sanjose.org/trip-ideas/parking

Hotel Information

The LRG has secured two blocks of hotel rooms for guests stays at two price points.

These special group rates will be available until July 1, 2024.

Signia Hilton San Jose
170 S Market Street
San Jose, CA 95113

Life Fest Group*

Rooms are available at the Hilton San Jose at a different price point. This hotel is within walking distance from our Life Fest conference site at the Signia.

These special group rates will be available until June 25, 2024.

Hilton San Jose
300 Almaden Boulevard
San Jose, CA 95110

LIFE FEST (hilton.com)

Airline Discounts for Life Fest attendees:

Delta Air Lines is pleased to offer special discounts for The Life Raft Group.

Please click here to book your flights.

You may also call Delta Meeting Network® at 1.800.328.1111* Monday–Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. (EST) and refer to Meeting Event Code NM3GE*Please note there is not a service fee for reservations booked and ticketed via our reservation 800 number.

United Airlines is pleased to partner with The Life Raft Group for special discounts.
To make flight reservations, please click on discount code ZPCQ398065

– MileagePlus members earn valuable miles for their travel when using the Meetings discount code.
– You may also call United Meetings Reservation Desk Monday – Friday at (800) 426-1122 for booking assistance.
– Booking fees are waived for Meeting reservations.
– International customers may contact their local United Reservation Desk.

Donate to the Life Fest Scholarship Fund 2024

Any questions about Life Fest 2024?

Please reach out to Brian Morello, Director of Development, at bmorello@liferaftgroup.org

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