Many medications can leave a taste in your mouth or alter how various foods taste, but there are some helpful hints that can help.
Coping with Altered Taste:
- Brush your teeth when you wake up, after each snack or meal, and before you go to bed.
- Use mouthwash after each meal.
- Rinse your mouth with warm water or .9% salt water solution after each meal and before bed.
- Take in an adequate amount of fluid.
- Chew mints, gum, or ice to mask tastes.
- Metal spoons can create a metallic taste in foods, so you may want to try and use a plastic eating utensil instead to decrease your food’s altered taste. Eating red meats as opposed to chicken, eggs, fish, beans, dairy products, and peanut butter may also help control altered taste.
- When eating meat, make sure to marinate the food in sweet fruit juices, wine, salad dressing, and other types of sweet sauces. You can also flavor food with spices, sugar, lemon, and herbs to make food taste good to you. Frozen or cold food may also taste better.
- Avoid cigarette smoking to lessen the affects of taste changes.
- Some patients have also reported that not eating 1-2 hrs before taking medication and three hours after therapy helps reduce taste disturbance.
- If you have dentures, make sure to remove your dentures before going to bed, because dentures left in overnight is a frequent cause of taste disturbance.
- Above all, try to make your eating experience enjoyable by eliminating odors and eating in a nice place.
Remember to talk to your doctor about any altered taste you are having, especially if it is affecting your appetite.