GISTBe – Virtual Event

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GISTMindfulness is a part of our virtual GISTEntertainment series

During the current global pandemic, The Life Raft Group wants to reassure you that, as always, we are in this together. We have been working diligently to provide you with the most up to date information regarding COVID-19 and navigating your cancer diagnosis. However, we recognize the stressors that come along with this challenging time.

To help with deal with the stress, we have created a series of virtual fundraising events called GISTEntertainment. Over the next few months we will be hosting several virtual events to keep our community feeling connected. We hope you’ll be able to join us for some relaxation, laughter, and fun!

During this critical time we are asking you to partner with us. Our suggested donation for this event is $10.

Our second GISTEntertainment event will be GISTBe on May 15th at 6PM EST. Join us for a Mindfulness session while connecting with others in LRG’s GIST Community during this virtual event.
Mindfulness means maintaining a present-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, or surrounding environment. It helps cancer patients better manage symptoms of fatigue, anxiety, and fear of recurrence, and their caregivers to practice self-compassion.
During this critical time we are asking you to partner with us. Our suggested donation for this event is $10.

About our presenter:

This session will be run by Carolina Ponce, a Mindfulness coach, Learning Specialist at a private school, mother of one boy, and a GIST Patient (diagnosed in 2006).

Thank you to our GISTEntertainment Series Sponsors!

Rob Taylor

Rob Taylor

Rob Taylor, Silver Sponsor

“During times of struggle, we have options:
1. Do nothing and hope that things somehow gets better,
2. Continue to use the resource and hope that someone shores it up so that we can continue to benefit.
3. Become the somehow, the someone and take the opportunity and responsibility to give and support the resource that has benefited us much. I choose to be the somehow and the someone, I choose to give.”

Margaret McInteer

Margaret McInteer

Margaret McInteer, Bronze Sponsor

“LifeRaft has been a godsend in my life since receiving my gist diagnosis a year ago. I’ve learned so much about my cancer through the experiences of others. I’ve also talked to 3 or 4 Life Raft staff members who have given me guidance and support. But the best part has been the mentor you assigned to me. Kay has called and encouraged me numerous times and was recently instrumental in getting me a video conference with Dr. Trent in Miami. I’m grateful beyond words!”

LRG Sponsorship Opportunities

Bronze $100 – sponsor names announced at beginning of event, post on social media platforms

Silver $250 – sponsor names announced at beginning of event, post on social media platforms, highlight in newsletter

$500 – sponsor names announced at beginning of event, post on social media platforms, highlight in newsletter, name displayed on website

Platinum $1,000 – sponsor names announced at beginning of event, month sponsorship, post on social media platforms, highlight in newsletter, name displayed on website

Ultra Platinum $2,000 – sponsor names announced at beginning of event, sponsorship for all months, post on social media platforms, highlight in newsletter, name displayed on website

Please contact Jessica Nowak for sponsorship opportunities!

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