GDOL Arizona – Virtual

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GDOL Arizona Virtual is January 27th, 2pm – 4pm MT/4pm – 6pm ET

A GIST Day of Learning (GDOL) is a free one day event to help patients and caregivers learn more about this rare cancer, find support, and enhance their knowledge base to help them navigate their cancer journey.

The Life Raft Group has a simple focus: to cure a form of cancer — GIST — and to help those living with it until then. To do this, the Life Raft Group focuses on three key areas: research, patient support & education, and advocacy, which lay the foundation of our mission to ensure the survival of GIST patients through a comprehensive approach connecting individual patients’ needs, the worldwide community of GIST advocates and the global health and research environment.

If you have any questions, please contact Diana Nieves at

Thank you to our sponsors for this event:GDOL 2020 Sponsors

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