La Senda Verde – Virtual Tour

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La Senda Verde Tour – January 18 at 10am ET

La Senda Verde 4x3

Our theme for 2023 is Thriving Together and during this time, we’ll present stories and featured webinars on how our patients & caregivers are thriving living with GIST. We want to celebrate these personal passions and joys with the desire to bring our community their own moments of joy and relaxation through these experiences.

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Vicky Ossio & Marcelo Levy. La Senda Verde

La Senda Verde co-founders Vicky Ossio & Marcelo Levy

Caregiver Vicky Ossio shares her passion for rescuing and rehoming animals who were confiscated due to  illegal trafficking and the destruction of their habitats. With co-founder Marcelo Levy, this sanctuary has sheltered hundreds of displaced animals and worked toward providing a diverse, natural setting through progressive conservation called rewilding.

Vicky came to know The Life Raft Group through her daughter Carolina, who was diagnosed with GIST in 2006 at age 27. She and Carolina have attended many Life Fest weekends and GDOLs and have been active volunteers with the LRG throughout the years.

Vicky and Marcelo will share a view of Senda Verde to our community on January 18th at 10am. Everyone is welcome to join and enjoy this presentation with a live Q&A to follow. During our tour, we will meet birds, reptiles, monkeys and other big mammals, like bears and big cats. We will also make a quick visit to our rewinding area to see the native stingless bees, and our butterfly farm.

Senda Verde was established in 2003 in the subtropical region east side of the Bolivian Andes in South America. Concerned about the urgent need to do something meaningful in favor of the natural world, Vicky and Marcelo decided to take hands-on action. They decided to devote their energy, effort and work to that noble and inspiring task: saving and sheltering wild animals rescued from illegal trafficking and destruction of habitats.

Senda Verde shelters approximately one thousand wild animals. This sanctuary exists to save and shelter animals rescued from illegal trafficking and destruction of habitats, and to inspire people to value nature. They have taken a progressive approach to conservation within our property and surrounding areas, letting natural processes enhance and reshape the land and restore degraded old agricultural landscapes.

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