Night to Fight Cancer 2017
The fourteenth annual “Night to Fight Cancer” to benefiting the Life Raft Group’s research programs took place on October 19, 2017 at Midtown Loft and Terrace in New York City. This year Jerry Cudzil, [...]
The fourteenth annual “Night to Fight Cancer” to benefiting the Life Raft Group’s research programs took place on October 19, 2017 at Midtown Loft and Terrace in New York City. This year Jerry Cudzil, [...]
PICTURED: Dr. Jason Sicklick, Deb Melikian,Norman Scherzer, & Malcolm Aste Record numbers attended our GIST Day of Learning on July 15th in La Jolla, California. Over 100 people gathered to [...]
Contribuir en la reducción de la mortalidad por cáncer en el Perú y mejorar la calidad de vida de estas personas. Contributing to the reduction of cancer mortality in Peru, improving the quality of [...]
Attitude is only a small thing that makes a big difference.
All Alianza GIST and LRG members accompany you in these difficult times. You are our Heroine and you will go forward as always you have done. Cheer up.
Unen esfuerzos para celebrar este 13 de Julio el “International GIST Awareness Day”, en español “Dia Internacional De Conciencia GIST”, para promover el conocimiento sobre esta terrible enfermedad y su manejo apropiado aprovechando las [...]
To celebrate GIST Awareness Day a convoy of caregivers drove through Nairobi to create awareness for GIST.
Día de la concientización del GIST. Nuestros super héroes y heroinas! Dr. Matías Chacón - Yo no soy un héroe, soy una persona que ayuda u se responsabiliza por la gente. Hay que ayudar con conocimiento y esperanza. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
This GIST Awareness Day (GAD) event took place on July 13th in LaJolla, California. The event was held on the campus of UCSD at Jacobs Medical Center. Attendees learned more about GIST and our H.E.R.O. campaign, #Hero4Cancer.