Have you recently been diagnosed with GIST?

If so, The Life Raft Group is here to help. Below is a helpful ‘beginner’ PDF and an introductory GIST 101 video, plus other great info to help you navigate your treatment. It is our belief, based on over two decades years of empowering & supporting those with GIST, that educated patients have better survival rates and quality of life.

Remember, we are always here for you. From our knowledgeable staff to the experienced patients in our LRG community, there is always a source of information at your fingertips. Join our community: https://liferaftgroup.org/life-raft-group-membership-application-form/

View GIST Specialist List 

Next Steps:

Join the LRG Patient Registry –
Be a part of Real World Evidence working towards a cure!

Join the LRG Community for online support
from the LRG and other GIST patients & caregivers.