All relationships have to weather storms, but when a couple faces the challenges of cancer treatment, intimacy can suffer. Intimacy can be difficult for any couple, but cancer and intimacy can be an even larger obstacle. 

In this informative article by Jacob Madonia, RN, a Cancer Survivor from Roswell Park Cancer Center, practical suggestions for maintaining intimacy with your partner are outlined. The article focuses on intimacy during the diagnosis and treatment phases. 

Below is an interesting excerpt from the article.

The key to overcoming this obstacle is maintaining intimacy with your partner. This is easily overlooked during treatment, but a crucial step in the process. I’m not just referring to physical intimacy. Intimacy can be the time we spend just being close to our partner or spouse. While this does include physical intimacy, it also includes simple things such as private talks, walking together, or just going on a date. The things that once happened so naturally are often put on the back burner after a cancer diagnosis. We focus so much on the treatment and disease that we forget about the treatment and health of our relationship. Intimacy leads to a healthier relationship and it can be a nice distraction from the world of cancer — even for a short time.

The article goes on to share some tips to improve intimacy between couples, which includes setting a time for intimacy and communication. Share your thoughts on cancer and intimacy in the comment section below.

Click here for the full article on cancer and intimacy.