Risk Assessment

New Tool Available for Calculating GIST Recurrence

updated 6/22/20 The GIST Risk Calculator is based on research from Dr. Heikki Joensuu, Professor of Oncology at the University of Helsinki and the Research Director at the Helsinki Comprehensive Cancer Center, and his colleagues. The [...]

By |2020-06-22T09:17:59-04:00September 15th, 2016|News, Risk Assessment|

Conditional Disease-free Survival after GIST Resection Improves Over Time

In a recent study led by Danielle A Bischof, MD of Johns Hopkins and published in JAMA Surgery, the authors propose a new way of estimating disease-free survival for GIST patients – Conditional Disease-free Survival [...]

By |2019-04-08T09:46:50-04:00March 24th, 2015|News, Risk Assessment|
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