On Wednesday, September 17, the Life Raft Group hosted “Virtual Roundtable with Jerry Call,” the second session in its Virtual Roundtable series. The live Q&A with the LRG Science Director allowed members to participate in an open forum to ask their questions about GIST in a casual “chat” atmosphere. The second session was as popular as the first with over 30 people from around the world participating. The Virtual Roundtable series is unique in the fact that it does not include a standard presentation or speech from its featured speaker; instead, participants connect their video cameras and microphones in order to communicate directly with both one another and the featured speaker.
Due to the fact that sensitive medical issues may be discussed, Virtual Roundtable discussions are never recorded or distributed in any way in order to protect the privacy of our members. Be on the lookout for our next invitation in order to participate if you haven’t had the chance to join us yet.
We want to hear from you! Please email your suggestions on what you’d most like to chat with other members and experts about to Mildred Menos at mmenos@liferaftgroup.org for possible inclusion in a future Roundtable.