Friends of Max (FOM), led by Viji Venkatesh, enthusiastically celebrated GIST Awareness Day with a plethora of posts and patient stories as well as patient meetings. Avidly posting on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram (cmlgistsupportgroup) FOM shared thoughts on #GISTHope.
FOM’s first was held on Sunday July 12th, 2020 to observe GIST Awareness Day and to honour the memory of our beloved Patient Leader & GIST Advocate –Dr. Nikhil Guhagarkar.
“We had patients, caregivers, physicians & advocates waiting to join the Zoom call and every single one on the call stayed on till the very end. Every single patient we invited attended the meeting. Those who had never attended a Zoom Call before were sent tutorials on how to do so and everyone’s excitement and eagerness was palpable.”
Friends of Max also flooded Twitter with many GIST Awareness Day memories of previous year’s such as The Gift of Time, 2016.
FOM City Chapter leaders shared their inspiring messages on HOPE for GIST Awareness Day 2020 on FOM’s Instagram, such as this one:
“Hope, to me, is like a star which is far but still motivates me to touch it!” – FOM City Chapter Leader Abhishek Patidar, Pune
You can find Friends of Max on Insta – cmlgistsupportgroup and Twitter – @Friends_Of_Max
Patients Engage shared this article on FOM member, Rashmi Sachade of Mumbai.
GIST Awareness Day was created by the Life Raft Group in 2014 to bring awareness and public attention to gastrointestinal stromal tumors and raise funds for #GISTresearch.