Medscape logoLRG Executive Director Sara Rothschild took part in a CME course produced by the online publication Medscape and released 12/22/22 titled ‘Improving Outcomes & Quality of Life in Advanced GIST: Discussing the Patient Journey and the Latest Data.’ Additional featured speakers were GIST experts Dr. Margaret von Mehren, Dr. Jean-Yves Blay, Dr. Richard Reidel, and Olivia Franek, BSN, RN, OCN. The course is available on Apple & Google podcasts to medical professionals for credit. and for patients and caregivers to further their own #GISTeducation.

According to the program description, the goal of this activity is for learners to better be able to apply the latest advances for the treatment of advanced GIST, including as part of a multidisciplinary team, to improve patient outcomes and quality of life.

The segments presented were: “Challenges Faced by Patients During Their Treatment Journey With GIST” by Sara Rothschild, MPH;
“Digesting the Data From The Latest Congresses” by Dr. Jean-Yves Blay;  “Selecting and Sequencing Treatment in GIST: What Are the Latest Recommendations?” by Dr. Margaret von Mehren and Dr. Blay; “Safety Profile, Adverse Event Management, and Patient Considerations: Applying Best Practices in GIST” by  Dr. von Mehren and Dr. Richard F. Riedel; and “Communicating With the Patient: Discussing the Role of the Clinician and the Nurse” by Dr. Reidel and Olivia Franek, BSN, RN, ONC.

The course is available on Apple & Google podcasts to medical professionals for credit. and for patients and caregivers to further their own #GISTeducation and is valid for credit through 12/19/2023.

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Slides are also available for download as well as a transcript of the session.